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Leave Your Data Where You Want: Detect Across Splunk, Snowflake, Azure
2023Aug 22
Tim Frazier, Sr. Sales Engineer, shows us how the Anvilogic platform serves as the detection engineering and threat hunting bridge across your traditional SIEMs and modern security data lakes. This allows you to "bring your own data lake" and leave your data wherever you want it. No need to re-ingest your data, we connect right in giving you the flexibility and choice for the most cost-effective data logging options. Our Armory provides rules in a native format and language to your data platform (Snowflake, Splunk, & Azure) and our low/no-code builder uses generative AI to enable you to develop custom sequenced-based detections without being an expert in SQL, SPL, or KQL. Want to learn more? Visit #threatdetection #threathunting #datalake #generativeai #threatdetection #sql #spl #threathunting #kql #detectionengineering #securityoperations #cybersecuritytools #detectionengineer #cybersecurityengineer #secops #securityapp #snowflake #splunk

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